“As the hunky neighbor Rocky, Vic Trevino plays with simplicity and honesty and provides some necessary comic relief. There’s not a false note to his performance.”
Daily Variety (King of the Crystal Palace)
“…the flamboyant standout, Vic Trevino is brilliantly cast.”
Los Angeles Weekly (My Visits With MGM)
“…Vic Trevino as Refugio, a street smart musician, brings the house down with his Latin Elvis.” Los Angeles Times (La Posada Magica)
“Excellently inventive as well is Vic Trevino portraying a couple of key men in the story,
…Trevino is a first-rate comic actor who finds the deep laughs, not the cheap laughs.”
Los Angeles Times (My Visits With MGM)
“Vic Trevino is first-rate… charismatic, fierce-eyed and compelling.”
San Diego Union Tribune (El Paso Blue)
“…Trevino performs with fiery excellence.”
San Diego Press (El Paso Blue)
“I was absolutely blown away…The stage was commanded by Vic Trevino... As Mitch, Trevino balanced a beautiful act of both confidence and self-humility as the tortured celebrity who is fighting to remain true to himself.”
Austin Theatre Review (The Little Dog Laughed)
“Vic Trevino gave a heartfelt performance… Trevino as Mitch gives an honest and riveting performance as the hunky leading man in denial of his true sexuality… real, powerful, and heartfelt acting.”
Austin City Theatre Review (The Little Dog Laughed)
“Trevino gives a sensational performance, conveying with increasingly coiled body language Tomas’ guilt and revulsion over the things he finds himself doing. He gives Tomas’ monologues an almost musical feeling – it’s tempting to just close your eyes to focus solely on his voice.”
San Antonio Express-News (Santos y Santos)
“Trevino gives a rich, detailed performance, vividly capturing Brick’s restlessness as he waits for the “click” in his head that makes him feel peaceful, something that comes only after he is thoroughly soused. He gives Brick’s rage a jagged edge, exposing the deep pain at the heart of all that drinking…”
San Antonio Express-News (Cat on a Hot Tin Roof)